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Trial lawyers specializing in personal injury and civil litigation

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

Fire victim cannot collect emotional damages from her insurer; case evaluation sanctions are awarded

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Township loses specious immunity arguments but is not sanctioned

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Elderly woman can't sue grocer for fall on ice at entry

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Court overturns disability decision based on psychiatric testimony, where insurer reviewer applied unduly high threshold of proof

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Court holds if road can be traveled at any speed, regardless of condition, Road Commission is immune

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Court upholds directed verdict in favor of doctors because 35-year O.B. Gyn expert not qualified

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Saad, Kirsten Kelly panel overturns lower court decision that technical appointment was arbitrary

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Court majority allows employer hospital to use peer review "as sword and shield," admitting only its own summary but not report

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Defendant who belatedly admits originally denied claims cannot avoid paying sanctions

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One age discrimination claim is reinstated by Sixth Circuit; another dismissed

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Tenant who falls over construction debris on steps cannot sue landlord; mediated settlement with contractor enforced

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Tenant taking trash to dumpster can sue landlord for snow-covered, pot-holed parking lot

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CMU prof and undergrad spouse may go forward with illegal retaliation First Amendment claim

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Battery case summarily dismissed and attorneys sanctioned

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Another insured driver denied PIP benefits because purchased policy listed her as a driver but did not identify her as an "insured"

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Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262