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Trial lawyers specializing in personal injury and civil litigation

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

ourt upholds six-month statute of limitations contained in employment application

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Family draws most hostile panel in Court of Appeals: injury and death claims all dismissed

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One day at the Sixth Circuit: murder victim's family gets no relief; prisoner's claim is tossed; and mortgage fraud victim may get a trial

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Nurse Aid terminated from facility cannot pursue whistleblower claim

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Woman with severe PTSD and depression after husband's death and witnessing another death hasn't suffered "serious impairment."

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Officers are denied summary disposition after arrestee dies in their custody

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Family is allowed to pursue claim arising out of alleged retaliation to disability accommodation

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Arbitration in favor of art dealers is repudiated by court after "neutral" contracted with a party

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Court of Appeals repudiates trial judge's holding that verdict in favor of doctor was against the great weight of evidence

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Court reverses attorney fees awarded to man who collected PIP benefits

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All insurers of driver involved in accident must share responsibility for liability coverage.

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Court holds there were many errors in trial, but all were harmless; verdict for doctor upheld

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Disability discrimination claim of diagnosed epileptic worker is tossed by Court of Appeals

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Dog's keepers are not liable for dog bite; strict liability is limited to "owners."

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Judges disagree about "open and obvious" puddle of water at dealership: Saad would hold that condition unseen by three people was "obvious to casual observer."

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Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262