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Trial lawyers specializing in personal injury and civil litigation

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

Urban hospitals in disarray

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Judge Saad strikes again: 16 year-old bitten by a pit bull gets no compensation for pain

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A young boy's hip destroyed, but no one pays: how "reform" encourages gamesmanship, shotgun litigation and a rush to the Courthouse

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Defining the proper credentials for an expert witness

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Fifteen million dollar damage award upheld; discussion of race questions in jury selection

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Decaying fruit and decaying rights

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No claim against landlord in death of "presumed" trespasser

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Verdict upheld in fall on bus steps of private bus

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Court enforces "2 inch discontinuity defect rule" for defective sidewalks

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Bullard-Plawecki and HIPAA apply to governmental entity employers

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According to Michigan Supreme Court majority, closing bus door is not part of "operation of vehicle"

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Bullard-Plawecki and HIPAA apply to governmental entity employers

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Guilty plea does not assure civil liability

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US Justices curb activism, temporarily, after reaction to Ledbetter case

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US Justices curb activism, temporarily, after reaction to Ledbetter case

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Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262