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Trial lawyers specializing in personal injury and civil litigation

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

Court attempts to achieve consistency after Supreme Court ruling; holds independent contractor cannot sue his "employer"

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When he sold practice, doctor relinquished non-compete agreement

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Court holds Beaumont not required to produce its nursing policies to family suing for nursing negligence

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Sixth Circuit denies summary disposition to school administrator who may have filed child abuse report in retaliation for father's assertion of daughter's educational rights

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Court strikes down another over-reaching defense arising out of governmental immunity

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Court awards attorney limited fee in pro bono-employee dispute

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Police officer denied qualified immunity where facts disputed by witness and time element suggests indifference

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Court says neighbor cannot sue over encroachment if he waited three years

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Allstate loses appeal of judgment forcing payment of overdue PIP expenses and sanctions

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Man who slips when public restroom mat slides cannot pursue claim over "obvious" hazard

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After oil spill, majority rules family doctor can testify that relentless vomiting caused avulsion of gastric artery

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Supreme Court reverses appeals court: hospital is not required to disclose to the judge objective facts contained in incident report

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Supreme Court vacates lower court's holding and allows insurer to argue over whether policy is void--even if ruling negates rights of innocent third-party

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Malpractice claim based on negligent administration of drug is dismissed as tardy

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Supreme Court majority overturns lower court, granting summary disposition based on immunity

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Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262