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Trial lawyers specializing in personal injury and civil litigation

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

Family of inmate who loses 46 pounds waiting for trial has limited right to sue

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Employees fired after drug-testing revealed presence of [legal] precription drugs cannot sue

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Court requires further examination of stroke victim's three medical specialists

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Woman who fell entering gym can sue the property owner

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Court overturns jury verdict involving unleashed dog after jury verdict form error is discovered

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Plaintiff's case dismissed for failing to file witness list or attend pre-trial conference

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Allstate wins coverage battle; overturns jury verdict for damage caused by frozen pipes

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injured employee loses appeal of retaliation and age discrimination claim

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Injuries from nursery products increase by 21 percent in 2009

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Court re-imposes sanctions on AutoOwners Insurance for frivolous defense

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Doctors block disclosure of Medicare data on payments of public money to doctors

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Worker's lawsuit alleging retaliatory discharge over comp claim is dismissed

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Court reverses denial of State employee's retirement benefits.

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MS patient cannot sue bank for discharge resulting from technology update

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Claim arguing negligence in failing to remove surgical guide wire is malpractice

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Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262