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Trial lawyers specializing in personal injury and civil litigation

Wrongful Termination and Discrimination

Foreclosed and bankrupted homeowner cannot sue over fraudulent mortgage assignment

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Insurer is not responsible for coverage despite issuing erroneous change order

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Court reverses inappropriate grant of summary disposition where victim complied with Court Rule

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Sixth Circuit rejects summary disposition of prohibition on "service horse" in city

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Defamation ruling by arbitrator is upheld on behalf of school superintendent

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Court partially reverses summary disposition; allows excavator to amend to seek damages from incompetent agent

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Legislature grants immunity to horse owners: maybe too many were leaving the state

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Supreme Court Republican majority engages in "peversity;" conflates "substantive law...with procedural rules;" and refuses to "hold defendants to the same standard we hold plaintiffs." And that's from the fifth Republican!

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Court of Appeals panel chastises lower court for dismissing Manistee malpractice case

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Court rejects argument that injured man's attorney should have been able to reveal content of insurer's IME report

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Court holds that woman who accompanied buyer to listed property wasn't a "business invitee"

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Sixth Circuit reverses insurance plan's denial of LTD benefits

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Court reinstates "black ice" case, pointing to inconsistency in witness testimony

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An inurer "hung by their own petard" after it doesn't comply with "one year back" rule

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State Farm loses another bid to deny UIM benefits to an insured who previously had to fight for PIP benefits

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Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262