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Suit against co-worker for allegedly malicious snitch is dismissed

Aiman Farhoud sued Darice Rosario after Rosario reported to Hospital security that Farhoud made a disturbing comment.  An R.N., Rosario claimed she heard Farhoud, whose job was to extract heart catheter lines, say "Can you pull this sheath for me before I have to shoot somebody?"  When Hospital security confronted Farhoud later that day, he explained that Rosario must have mis-heard a jocular comment and that she was retaliating for his previous criticism of her work.

Farhoud was not disciplined and weeks later he filed a defamation lawsuit against Rosario.  Rather than saying that Farhoud should not "make a mountain out of a mole hill," in the vernacular, the Court said that Rosario's report was not actionable and that Farhoud's claims of malice were not adequately supported by facts.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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