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Sex- and race-based harrassment and retaliation suit dismissed

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals summarily dismissed a claim brought by Christine Ladd against the Grand Trunk Western Railroad, claiming that Ladd had not met her burden of proof.  Ladd was a six-year employee of Grand Trunk who had been promoted twice by the company.  She was fired after she accused a supervisory employee of calling her a "black bitch" and, after her complaint, of injuring her by moving a truck without warning her.  Although their claims were admittedly contradictory and inconsistent, several co-workers to some extent collaborated the supervisor's claim that Ladd wasn't in the truck bed when he moved it, and on that basis, Ladd was fired for making a "false report". 

The Court held that Ladd's case could be summarily dismissed without a jury weighing the facts and credibility of the witnesses.  Ladd had maintained that the alleged "false" report was a factual issue that should have been heard by a jury and that firing her on the basis of her report was disproportionate retaliation for her complaints about the supervisory employee.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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Fax: 231-929-7262