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Republicans propose legislation that would grant immunity to ER and delivery doctors

This week, Republican legislators in Michigan proposed a special interest "tort reform" bill that would excuse doctors for negligence in the ER or in delivering babies.  Five bills have been proposed and they include provisions that would require the sitting judge to dismiss any case that evidenced the exercise of professional judgment--whether "good" or "bad."  The case would be dismissed, apparently, if the doctor had to think about what to do, even if his or her subsequent judgment was faulty and caused injury. 

Reportedly the bills also grant doctors immunity for their actions or decisions in the ER or delivery suite, even if the actions or decisions are negligent [unreasonable].  Given the influence of insurance and health care special interests on Republican legislators, it is likely some form of these bills will pass, despite the fact that no "malpractice crisis" exists to warrant denial of compensation to innocent malpractice victims.  Apparenly only drunk doctors will be held responsible for their mistakes in Michigan.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
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Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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