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Pfizer research doctor caught falsifying data

If we needed further evidence of the Supreme Court's wisdom in refusing to give drug manufacturers immunity where a drug is approved by the FDA, we got it today.  The New York Times reported that anesthesiologist Scott S. Reuben, a prolific researcher and writer on post-operative pain management, had "concocted" the data supporting 21 different published studies.  Reuben has now admitted that he fabricated much of the data underlying his research.  He was apparently caught as a result of peer review investigations conducted at his hospital when it was noted that he had not sought proper approval for the "research" he was reporting and publishing.  Many of Reuben's "trials" had "documented" that Celebrex and Lyrica, Pfizer medications with billions in sales, were effective in treating post-operative pain.  It is likely that these "trials" were submitted by Pfizer to the FDA to gain approval for use of the now-controversial drugs.  At the time it approves drugs for sale in the U.S., when considering the safety and effectiveness of the drug, the FDA is normally limited to the data submitted by the manufacturer .

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