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Michigan Court addresses choice of venue for claims related to Romanian business venture

A Michigan corporation, BRP Acquisitions Group, Inc., sued several individuals, all Michigan residents, arguing that they "deliberately thwarted" an effort to create a business presence involving auto parts supply in Romania.  The trial judge dismissed the claim, holding that it could only be brought in Romania.  The Court of Appeals reversed, emphasizing the fact that all parties were state residents and the respect that must be accorded to the injured party's choice of venue.  It noted that under well-established law, where the court must make a discretionary decision about the proper venue for an injury or property damage claim, the court must address several particular factors, including both convenience of the parties and the victim's choice of venue.  Applying these factors, the Court held, BRP's claim was properly maintained in Michigan under the existing circumstances.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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