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Lobbyists for health care promise to reduce costs to avoid regulation

According to the May 11, 2009, New York Times, executives representing the Advanced Medical Technology Association, the American Hospital Association, America's Health Insurance Plans, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America and the Service Employees International Union, in other words the major health care lobbying entities in the U.S. have promised to join with the federal government to hold down health care costs.  They claim they can achieve large savings by aggressive efforts to prevent obesity, coordination of care, better management of chronic illnesses, by curtailment of unnecessary tests and procedures, by standardizing insurance forms and by increased use of information technology.   Don't hold your breath.  And don't bet next year's health care insurance premium increase, either. 

The White House seems to think this venture, patterned on a proposal made by several health care insurers during the winter, can be an adequate substitute for universal health care, according to White House spokesperson Real Poli'ana.

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