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Court rules vaccine did not cause autism

The New York Times reported today that a Special Master appointed to hear a case involving the federal vaccine-injury fund had reached the conclusion that the young girl involved did not suffer autism as a result of receiving a vaccine.  This decision is in line with the research that has been reported of late, including a very large and recent long-term Spanish study that showed no increase in autism resulting from childhood vaccination. 

The autism-innoculation issue has been a gut-wrenching controversy for decades and it won't end with this decision.  Too many children are afflicted with this heart-breaking disorder and too many people have taken highly-emotional positions for a single court ruling to resolve the controversy.  The founder of Generation Rescue, which has dedicated substantial resources to proving a connection between vaccination and autism, termed the decision "an incomprehensible injustice". 

Autism Speaks, a support group whose membership has been more conflicted over the science involved, pointed out that the decision "does not mitigate the need for further scientific investigation".  Given the virtual epidemic of autism we are witnessing, that organization's response is highly appropriate.  Hopefully, all sides of the issue will recognize that everyone has the interest of these children--and all children--at heart, and the dialogue will become less emotionally-charged and vitriolic.

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