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Woman's age discrimination claim against Mid-Michigan Health is summarily dismissed

Sandra Hermann was the vice president of corporate planning for Mid-Michigan Health. The Court held that she hadn't presented enough evidence of discrimination to take her claim to the jury.  She relied on a supervisor's presentation outline that stressed an "aging workforce" and "the need to bring in younger employees..."  She also pointed to the supervisor's suggestion on the day she was terminated that she write a statement suggesting that she was "retiring to go home and play with her grandchildren." 

In terms of indirect evidence, she pointed to the fact that she was replaced by a younger employee, however, the Court ruled that there wasn't a complete coincidence of duties and title, suggesting that the Plaintiff's position was absorbed by three different employees. The Court held that in total the Plaintiff's proofs were not adequate to create a question of fact about a discriminatory animus motivating her employer.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
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