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Whisteblower Protection Act retaliation claim against MSU is dismissed

Patricia McNiel sued MSU after her contract as an administrative coordinator of an on-line masters program wasn't renewed.  McNeil was originally hired in a clerical position but eventually created and taught an on-line Food Safety class.  Although it increased from $40,000.00 in 2002 to $65,096.00 in 2006, McNeil was dissatisfied with her salary and raised issues of gender wage discrimination.  She also joined repeated complaints regarding her status and title, her limited access to financial statements, her loss of a cell phone and home internet access, exclusion from meetings, "repulsive" behavior by other Departmental employees, and her alleged "shunning" by other employees. 

McNeil's supervisor established a record of repeated responses to McNeil's complaints, as well as repeated warnings regarding unprofessional behavior that could lead to non-renewal of her contract.  When the latter event occurred, McNeil sued alleging that her supervisor retaliated in response to McNeil's wage discrimination complaints.  The Court of Appeals found adequate basis for the non-renewal of McNeil's contract and no evidence that non-renewal was caused by a motive to illegally retaliate.

Thompson O’Neil, P.C.
309 East Front Street
Traverse City, Michigan 49684
Toll Free: 1-800-678-1307
Fax: 231-929-7262